
Biometric devices means the devices that are used for capturing the biometric data inputs i.e Fingerprint / Iris /both the information from Aadhaar number holders. These biometric devices fall under two categories viz. Discrete Devices, Integrated Devices.

At FindBiometrics, we focus on the technologies that measure biometrics and apply them to identity verification. Sometimes that means proving to a computer that you are you and are allowed to access your email, other times it means law enforcement officers uncovering wanted crooks. In every case biometrics allow for a high level of efficiency and assurance when it comes to every transaction dealing with identity and credentialing.

What are the characteristics measured by biometric technology?

Some biometric measurements are easy to see and others are not. Those that are on the surface – facial, iris, fingerprint – can be measured from a high resolution image with an algorithm that compares physical details.

There are also what are sometimes called Invisible Biometrics: essentially any type of unique biological quality that is not measured visually, usually because they rely on biological processes rather than outward appearance. Voiceprint biometrics, for instance, which rely on the unique sound of a human’s voice, measure a trait that combines the uniqueness of your lungs, larynx and other vocal organs. Unique EKG readings similarly verify an identity by measuring a human heart via the user’s wrist.

Invisible biometrics can be further refined to a subcategory of behavioral identification. The way that you interact with connected devices (computers, tablets, smartphones) can be measured and a profile can be derived from the resulting data. New softwares can then compare the way you usually type, use a mouse or scroll on a page with active inputs to see if malware or a fraudster has hijacked your device.

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